Mystery Blogger Award


Well this is a first!

A huge thank you to Barb for nominating me for the Mystery Blogger Award

It always feels good to know that someone likes what you’re doing.  I enjoy helping people and always like to know that what I’m doing is making a difference in people’s lives.  This award helps to affirm that.

What is a Mystery Blogger Award?

The creator of this award, Okoto Enigma, says “It’s an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.”

The Rules Are:

  • Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog, as well as to the specific post in which you were nominated. That way, the blogger who nominated you will receive a Pingback and know that you posted your answers and will be able to read them!
  • Mention the creator of the award.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • Nominate 10-20 people.
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice, with one weird or funny question (specify).
  • Share your link to your best post (s).

Three things about me:

1. I love learning new things and have taught myself a number of things through internet research and YouTube videos.  Everything from how to shape surfboards to how to ice skate.

2. I love going to concerts.  I’ve probably been to well over 100 concerts.  My first one was at the age of 6.  With two little ones, I haven’t gotten to go as much as I would like; but, we’ll be taking the kiddos soon enough.

3. I had no intention of blogging.  If you asked me 8-12 months ago what my life would look like, writing a blog and possibly launching a podcast wouldn’t have been anywhere on the list.  Crazy the twists and turns life takes sometimes.

My Questions From Barb Are:

1. How long have you been blogging? 5 months.  I started my blog back in August, just before moving from VA to PA.
2. Who do you want to reach with your blog? Anyone who feels they need tips and techniques for dealing with mental illness and navigating counseling; but, primarily those who suffer from anxiety and lack of confidence, couples who are struggling to connect and people dealing with medical diagnoses that are impacting their mental health.
3. As a blogger, you’re comfortable writing for an audience. Would you be comfortable speaking in front of an audience? I actually started off doing trainings and presentations before blogging.  I’ve probably given close to 100 trainings over the past 4-5 years.  Some to audiences of 50-200.  It still makes me a little nervous right before I get on stage; but, once I’m going I’m fine as long as I’ve prepared well and there are no technical difficulties.
4. Do you believe reading improves your writing? Definitely! I believe reading and learning are huge.  I consume most of my information through Audiobook these days; but, reading is a must.
5. (Funny Question) Please play along, even if you aren’t a Star Wars fan. If you could, which Star Wars character would you be? Fanboys will give a collective eye roll on this one; but, Luke Skywalker.  I’ve always been big on responsibility, helping others and integrity.  Plus, who wouldn’t want to have a lightsaber and use the Force?! I could do without losing a hand though.

My Mystery Award Nominations (in no particular order) Are:

His Radiant Hope

Millennial Mrs and Mom

Crafty Surf

Crystal Eyes 20

Matthew Winters (Comeback Pastor)

Food Allergy Dad

Beckie’s Mental Mess

Randoms By A Random

Riddle From The Middle

Beauty Beyond Bones

My Questions Are:

1. What inspires you?

2. If you could have dinner and talk with any one person (dead or alive) who would it be? Why?

3. What’s one thing on your bucket list?

4. Who was the person that had the most influence on your life?

5. What’s a project or accomplishment you hope to complete in 2018?

My Best Post:

I don’t know that I would consider this my best post, but this is a post written in 2017 that has the most views: I Carry Your Heart With Me
© 2018 Parenting & Family Solutions, LLC All Rights Reserved



22 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award

  1. Thanks so much for accepting the nomination! I knew you play hockey, but I had no idea you learned to skate from YouTube! That’s amazing! I used to play hockey, too, but have had injuries and am anxious about getting back on the ice.


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